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Award Number 06HQAG0101, Category 3: Fifty States Initiative

In the aftermath of Hurricanes’ Katrina and Rita, it was clear that State emergency responders lacked current, accurate, and comprehensive critical infrastructure data, needed to perform their tasks. Specifically, they lacked the location and operational status of our utility and communications infrastructure. Four months later, that  information is only partially available to those involved in Louisiana’s long–term recovery efforts.

The Louisiana Geographic Data Center (LAGIC), the State’s primary point of contact for geospatial information, plans to improve Louisiana’s geospatial preparedness by conducting a series of workshops with emergency responders to identify operational requirements for infrastructure data. LAGIC will identify methods of improving data coordination, distribution, and exchange of these critical geospatial resources. The workshops and geospatial data surveys will focus on the following goals:

1. Determining the infrastructure needs of our emergency responders,

2. Documenting the spatial accuracy and attributes of existing infrastructure data,

3. Creating an online inventory of these critical geospatial data sets, with appropriate safeguards to protect confidentiality, contracted licensing agreements and information deemed sensitive by federal and state officials, and

4. Devising a plan for the distribution, and exchange of this data that meets the needs of emergency responders and the concerns of private industry.

Final Report -- Strategic Plan

Interim Report  (April 2007)

Interim Report

Louisiana Geographic Information Center


Craig Johnson, Director Louisiana Geographic Information Center

Link to more information about the 50 States Initiative

Last Updated: Jan 07, 2009 09:10 AM
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