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Connecticut Geospatial Information Systems Council

Award Number 06HQAG0098, Category 5: Geographic Information Integration

The project will make the latest geospatial information available to the general public and others. Specifically this is the digital orthophotography for the State of Connecticut and immediately adjacent areas from the 2004 flyover that is now available for dissemination. The images now reside in the State’s main data center (located at the Department of Information Technology). Due to funding constraints they are not yet readily available to the public and other entities other than distribution by CD. Because of this there is a short term effort to make these images available through the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) FTP site.

The Department of Information Technology (DOIT) is committed to supporting the larger geospatial effort and is presently supporting the Homeland Security Project (HSGIS) that is underway. The Department’s Chief Information Officer is the Chairperson of the newly legislated Geospatial Council and is obligated by statue to provide better geospatial services. Because the department’s commitment to this specific area is new there is not a lot of history to prove this point other than TOPOFF3 and geospatial council contributions.  DOIT is committed to NSDI and would like to become the One-Stop for Connecticut’s geospatial data. Further evidence of commitment is that one resource that will be assigned part-time is a information technology professional with extensive experience in managing the delivery of diverse IT services to a wide variety of government customers. The funding from this grant will allow DOIT to jumpstart this effort to make this information available in the appropriate format. Principle staff on this project will come from DOIT and DEP. The formalization of the Council, the work from this grant, and a line item in the State’s budget can raise our profile and allow us to begin our tasks on a solid footing.

Final Report

Interim Report

Connecticut Department of Information Technology


Mike Varney
michael.varney [at]

Last Updated: Aug 21, 2008 02:00 PM
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