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National Deep Draft Navigation Planning Center of Expertise (DDNPCX)


The Center is led and managed by the SAD Headquarters. The Chief of Planning and Policy for SAD serves as the Center’s Director.

A technical center for deep draft navigation economics resides within the Mobile District and handles the day-to-day center operations in coordination with the Director. It consists of six planning and economics staff with special expertise in deep draft navigation planning as the core members and is led by the Center’s Technical Director. The majority of the Center’s expertise, however, will be comprised of technical deep draft navigation planners from throughout the Corps and its research laboratories. The DDNPCX also utilizes connections to academia, state and private groups, and other stakeholders with deep draft navigation planning expertise.

The Mobile District, Planning and Environmental Division handles the day-to-day center operations in coordination with the Director and core members of the center. The Mobile District’s Economic Analysis team leader is assigned as the Deputy Director for the Center. Four or five planning and engineering staff at SAD with special expertise in deep draft navigation planning are core members of the Center, along with one Corps research laboratory designate, representing the R&D community and interests. Mobile District will maintain a concentration of deep draft navigation planning expertise.

However, the majority of the Center expertise will be comprised of regional technical deep draft navigation planners from the SAD Districts and other deep draft navigation planning experts from throughout the Corps and Corps research laboratories. Eventually, the DDNPCX will include connections to academia, state and private groups with deep draft navigation planning expertise, including international expertise as well.




The center staff is comprised of a part-time Director at SAD, a part-time Deputy Director at Mobile District, 5-10 part-time technical experts at SAD, and a virtual team of 20-50 technical experts from SAD Districts, other Divisions/Districts throughout the Corps, R&D experts from Corps research laboratories, and other deep draft navigation experts from academia, state, international and private sources. The center operates based on the following goals and objectives:

•Develop an environment of open and honest communication within the horizontal and vertical team to foster more efficient project delivery.
•Communicate new ideas, concepts, and issues in a timely manner.
•Develop a cross-functional and multi-disciplinary team.
•Focus attention on important issues, with the team working together to solve them.
•Keep in touch with leadership, let them know what is going on - keep them informed.
•Maintain situational awareness.
•Build and maintain professional relationships.
•Develop and maintain communications with Congress, ASA(CW), HQDA/AF, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and outside interests.
•Maintain effective communications to assure corporate perspectives are maintained.