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Since the inception of its HIV/AIDS program in 1986, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has been on the forefront of the global AIDS crisis, investing more than $7 billion to fight the pandemic. Today, with more than 33 million people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS, USAID is a key partner in the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the largest and most diverse HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment initiative in the world.


Photo of Gladys Macharia, a young Kenyan researcher.
An HIV Vaccine in Our Lifetime?
Meet Gladys, a young Kenyan researcher, who is working to advance HIV vaccine development with the help of USAID and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI).

In Mombasa, Kenya, a women’s HIV prevention and support group utilizes song and dance to spread the word about HIV.
Empowering Communities to Fight HIV
The HIV/AIDS New Partners Initiative (NPI) has helped build capacity for local organizations to implement HIV/AIDS care and support programs in communities hardest hit by the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

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