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Plant Conservation Program 

Plant Conservation Program Home.spacer.Native Plant Communities.spacer.Rare Plant Species.spacer.Native Plant Materials.spacer.Reclamation.spacer.Integrated Vegetation Management.spacer.Get Involved.spacer.Additional Resources.

Plant Conservation Program Mission: The BLM Wyoming Plant Conservation Program (PCP) strives to protect and sustain native plant communities and the ecosystems in which they are found, and to prevent plant species from becoming rare and threatened with extinction. We work to minimize short- and long-term loss of biological resources on lands that may be subject to development for energy, minerals and recreation, and to facilitate recovery of disturbed lands.

Collecting seeds.Polygonum bistortoides seed.Delphinium nuttalianum.Stenotus acaulis.Frasera speciosa.Artemisia arbuscula.Collecting seeds.

This year Wyoming’s Seeds of Success (SOS) program was challenging due to the impact dry weather has on plant seed production. We had great interns and mentors who, along with contractors, research labs, volunteers, and Conservation Corps crews brought in our target number of seed collections for 2012. Many of these collections will be used in efforts to develop tolerant native plant species materials for conservation and restoration efforts. Thank you to all who worked hard to make 2012 a success!

If you are interested in participating, visit our “Get Involved” Page!

Please explore our website to discover what is currently happening with the Plant Conservation Program!

BLM National Plant Conservation Program 

The BLM Wyoming Plant Conservation Program wishes to extend thanks and appreciation
 to all of our partners!  They make our work possible.