Women in the Labor Force: A Databook (2009 Edition)

Table 30. Flexible schedules: Full-time wage and salary workers by selected characteristics, May 2004 (Numbers in thousands)
Characteristic Both sexes Women Men
Total (1) With flexible
schedules (2)
Total (1) With flexible
schedules (2)
Total (1) With flexible
schedules (2)
Number Percent
of total
Number Percent
of total
Number Percent
of total

Total 16 years and over

99,778 27,411 27.5 43,366 11,558 26.7 56,412 15,853 28.1

16 to 19 years

1,427 336 23.6 524 151 28.9 903 185 20.5

20 years and over

98,351 27,075 27.5 42,842 11,406 26.6 55,509 15,668 28.2

20 to 24 years

9,004 2,058 22.9 3,856 993 25.8 5,147 1,065 20.7

25 to 34 years

24,640 6,902 28.0 10,283 2,851 27.7 14,358 4,051 28.2

35 to 44 years

26,766 7,807 29.2 11,342 3,202 28.2 15,424 4,605 29.9

45 to 54 years

24,855 6,651 26.8 11,415 2,882 25.2 13,440 3,769 28.0

55 to 64 years

11,745 3,181 27.1 5,361 1,316 24.5 6,383 1,865 29.2

65 years and over

1,341 475 35.4 585 161 27.6 757 314 41.4

16 to 24 years

10,431 2,394 23.0 4,380 1,144 26.1 6,050 1,250 20.7

25 to 54 years

76,261 21,360 28.0 33,040 8,935 27.0 43,222 12,425 28.7

55 years and over

13,086 3,656 27.9 5,946 1,477 24.8 7,140 2,179 30.5
Race and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity


80,498 23,121 28.7 34,276 9,539 27.8 46,222 13,582 29.4

Black or African American

12,578 2,476 19.7 6,131 1,283 20.9 6,447 1,193 18.5


4,136 1,132 27.4 1,836 412 22.4 2,300 720 31.3

Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

14,110 2,596 18.4 5,489 1,166 21.2 8,621 1,430 16.6
Marital status

Married, spouse present

57,630 16,270 28.2 22,704 5,888 25.9 34,926 10,382 29.7

Never married

25,144 6,693 26.6 10,676 3,088 28.9 14,469 3,605 24.9

Other marital status

17,004 4,448 26.2 9,986 2,582 25.9 7,018 1,866 26.6
Presence and age of children

With no own children under 18

61,761 16,759 27.1 27,081 7,349 27.1 34,680 9,410 27.1

With own children under 18

38,018 10,652 28.0 16,285 4,209 25.8 21,733 6,443 29.6

With own children 6 to 17, none younger

21,739 5,960 27.4 10,262 2,619 25.5 11,477 3,341 29.1

With own children under 6

16,279 4,692 28.8 6,023 1,590 26.4 10,256 3,102 30.2

(1) Includes persons who did not provide information on flexible schedules.
(2) Persons with flexible schedules are able to vary or make changes in their beginning and ending hours of work, whether or not they have a formal flexitime program on their job.

NOTE: Data relate to the sole or principal job of full-time wage and salary workers who were at work during the survey reference week and exclude all self-employed persons, regardless of whether their businesses were incorporated. Estimates for the above race groups (white, black or African American, and Asian) do not sum to totals because data are not presented for all races. Persons whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race. Own children include sons, daughters, stepchildren, and adopted children. Not included are nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and other related and unrelated children.


SOURCE: Flexible schedules and shift work supplement to the Current Population Survey, last conducted in May 2004, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.