U.S. Department of Justice

FBI: Crime Fell in 2010: States Safely Reduce Prison Populations and Save Money

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Jun. 21, 2011

Library ID

  • 025070

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  • 2011
  • 2 pages

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  • FBI: Crime Fell in 2010: States Safely Reduce Prison Populations and Save Money

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The latest crime statistics are reported from the 2010 Preliminary Annual Uniform Crime Report. Highlights include: states are spending less on corrections—FY2009 expenditures for corrections only rose 0.9% compared to an increase of 6.5% in FY2008 with an estimated decrease of 2.8% in FY2010; the number of violent offenses reported to law enforcement has decreased 5.5% in 2010; and crime is going down as states reduce the number of individuals in prisons.

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