U.S. Department of Justice

Performance Incentive Funding: Aligning Fiscal and Operational Responsibility to Produce More Safety at Less Cost

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Jan. 04, 2013

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  • Performance Incentive Funding: Aligning Fiscal and Operational Responsibility to Produce More Safety at Less Cost

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: 'With PIF [performance incentive funding], agencies or localities receive a financial reward for delivering fewer prison commitments through reduced recidivism and revocations that, in turn, must be reinvested into evidence-based programs in the community' (p. 2). This report explains how an agency can design and implement a PIF program that reduces costs while ensuring public safety, a viable option for your locality. Sections of this report include: executive summary; introduction; the problem'misaligned incentives; a solution'PIF programs; seven key considerations in designing and implementing a PIF program; and conclusion. 'A successful PIF program can significantly curb prison population growth and costs while increasing public safety: in the first year of its PIF program, California experienced a 23-percent drop in prison commitments of felony pro'bationers, and

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