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To What Extent Does Prisoners’ Mental Illness Undermine Programming Effectiveness?

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Sep. 13, 2012

Library ID

  • 026322


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  • 2010
  • 160 pages

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  • To What Extent Does Prisoners’ Mental Illness Undermine Programming Effectiveness?

ANNOTATION: “This study examines the impact of mental illness and prison vocational and educational programming on reentry outcomes (employment rates, length of employment, enrollment in and completion of school, and recidivism) and the relationship between mental illness and program completion. Additionally, the study examines the interactions of mental illness and prison programming on reentry outcomes” (p. 1). This dissertation is divided into five parts: understanding the impact of prison programming on reentry; theoretical and empirical literature on prison programming, employment, and educational and mental health outcomes for offenders; data, methods, and statistical models; results for main effects of prison programming, main effects of mental illness, and interaction of mental illness and program completion; and discussion. Not only does mental illness significantly reduce the likelihood an individual will complete vocational programming and GED classes, it substantially reduces employment outcomes and increases the risk of recidivism.

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