U.S. Department of Justice

Mental Illness, Human Rights, and US Prisons: Human Rights Watch Statement for the Record, Senate Judiciary Committee, Suncommittee on Human Rights and the Law

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Oct. 26, 2009

Library ID

  • 024037

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  • 2009
  • 14 pages.

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  • Mental Illness, Human Rights, and US Prisons: Human Rights Watch Statement for the Record, Senate Judiciary Committee, Suncommittee on Human Rights and the Law

ANNOTATION: This document is a “brief overview of the problems faced by mentally ill persons who are incarcerated and the human rights that are implicated” (p. 1). Sections of this document cover: prisons and prisoners with mental illness—overview; supermaximum security prisons and isolation; re-entry; mental health and American prisons—a human rights framework; and recommendations.

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