U.S. Department of Justice

Safety Awareness Workbook: Anticipating, Identifying, and Resolving the Potential Victimization of Probation and Parole Officers

Publication year: 1995 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 012207


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  • 1995
  • 88 pages.

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  • Safety Awareness Workbook: Anticipating, Identifying, and Resolving the Potential Victimization of Probation and Parole Officers

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This workbook discusses worker safety issues in probation and parole. Officers' mental attitudes and use of force are addressed. General indications of drug use by clients, signs of aggression, possible resistance or attack, discussion of mental health issues, and general warning signs related to sex offenders are discussed. Finally, safety tactics, such as light conditions, building design, and vehicle considerations are discussed as they relate to officer safety.

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