U.S. Department of Justice

What Works for Male Children and Adolescents: Lessons from Experimental Evaluations of Programs and Interventions

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Jan. 17, 2013

Library ID

  • 026595


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  • 2012
  • 28 pages

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  • What Works for Male Children and Adolescents: Lessons from Experimental Evaluations of Programs and Interventions

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: 'As young people transition through childhood to adolescence, they often face developmental challenges that can impede their quest to become flourishing, healthy adults. While both males and females experience difficulties, there are certain risk factors to which males are more susceptible. Compared with females, males tend to be more likely to drop out of school, engage in delinquency, use alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and act out. They are also less likely than females to go to college. While a number of evidence-based programs have been found to be effective at reducing risk factors for children and adolescents, many programs have differential impacts for females and males. Understanding what works for male children adolescent is critical to improving outcomes for youth' (p. 1). This brief looks at those programs which work and those that don't work for male juveniles. Programs are rated according to found to work, mixed findings, and not found to work and are organized into the areas of academic achievement, delinquency, externalizing or acting out behaviors, mental health/internalizing (depression) outcomes, physical health and nutrition, reproduction health and sexuality, social skills, and substance use.

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