Department of Defense

Panetta: U.S.-China Relationship One of World’s Most Critical

“We share many interests across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond,” Panetta said, “from humanitarian assistance to concerns about weapons of mass destruction to terrorism to drug interdictions to trade to counterpiracy.”

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U.S. Wants Transition that Fulfills Syria’s “Greatest Aspirations”

Defense Secretary Panetta

Like its response to political unrest in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, the Obama administration’s reaction to the violence in Syria has been based on opposition to regime violence, support for universal human rights and for reforms.

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Secretary Panetta on Iran, North Korea and Mideast

We’ve got some very significant threats to confront, and that’s why we developed this new defense strategy, which we think represents a very effective force for the future.

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Defense Secretary Says Assad Must Halt Violence Against Syrians


“Through its repeated violations of human rights, the regime has lost its legitimacy and its right to rule the country,” Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in prepared testimony for a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing March 7.

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Panetta Describes U.S. Military Transition in Afghanistan

Leon Panetta

“We are going to be largely transitioning to a support role for the Afghan army as they take over these different areas in the future,” Panetta said.

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Rescuing Iranian Sailors? U.S. Says It Is Just Doing Its Duty


The duty to rescue ships in distress has been common maritime practice for centuries. Its most current codification is in Article 98 of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.

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Trans-Atlantic Partnership Vital to Global Security

The strategy outlined by President Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta January 5 reaffirms the U.S. commitment to European security and ensures continued ability to meet NATO commitments.

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U.S. Rescues Iranians Held Hostage by Pirates


A U.S. Navy ship has rescued 13 Iranians being held hostage by pirates in the Arabian Sea, days after Iran warned U.S. vessels not to return to the Persian Gulf.

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U.S. Military Pours Supplies, Equipment, Skills into Japan Relief

More than 18,000 U.S. military personnel have delivered 240 tons of supplies to quake-stricken Japan, with 19 ships and more than 130 aircraft participating in an operation they’re calling Tomodachi, the Japanese word for “friend.”

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Coalition Operation Takes Aim at Libyan Air Defenses

Defense Department: Coalition members fired 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Libya’s integrated air and missile defense system today as a precursor to setting up a no-fly zone over the country, Pentagon officials said.

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