Adoption Toolkit

ACE Learning Series - Adoption Toolkit

This toolkit was developed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) for use by states, municipalities, energy code advocates, policymakers, stakeholders, and all other groups with a vested interest in energy code adoption.

This toolkit provides information and resources to help guide adopting authorities through the adoption process and setting minimum requirements for new construction.

DOE has developed two additional toolkits for the compliance and enforcement communities with the goal of achieving higher levels of compliance with building energy codes.

This toolkit provides some insight into how the adoption process may influence the residential and commercial build communities.

Organization of the Adoption Toolkit

This toolkit is organized around eight important steps for energy code adoption:

  1. Understand the benefits of code adoption
  2. Identify a code support infrastructure
  3. Identify the appropriate adoption process and framework
  4. Select the appropriate code for adoption
  5. Determine crucial components of the energy code: scope and applicability, format, adoption date, and effective date
  6. Overcome the barriers of adoption
  7. Outline who is responsible for satisfying what is adopted
  8. Receive assistance on energy code and adoption questions.

Each step in this toolkit includes a general description, recommendations, and a listing of resources for policymakers, advocates, and individuals involved in the adoption process.