Compliance Evaluation Checklists

The Compliance Checklists were developed to support state energy code compliance evaluations, and to validate compliance through ongoing code administration and enforcement processes. Guidelines for using these checklists to evaluate state energy code compliance can be found in Measuring State Energy Code Compliance, Section 6.0.

Residential Checklists

For residential buildings, separate checklists are included for each climate zone. These can be customized by states and local jurisdictions to cover state amendments to the IECC. The checklists can also be used by builders to document information on the plans and specifications for submittal with the permit application and other required information.

Commercial Checklists

For commercial buildings, a single checklist covers all climate zones. The checklist can be customized by states and local jurisdictions to cover state amendments to the IECC and ASHRAE Standard 90.1. The checklists can also be used to document information on the plans and specifications for submittal with the permit application and other required information.