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Strategy - Mission Topics

  • Space StationTricorder

    2008April 6, 2011

    Astronautsare using a Star Trek tricorder-like device to keep track of microscopic life forms onboard the International Space Station.

  • Strange Clouds at the Edge of Space

    2008April 6, 2011

    Astronautson board the International Space Stationhave recently photographed strange electric-blue clouds hovering at the edge of space.

  • Droids on the ISS

    2006April 6, 2011

    A little droid is roaming the corridors of the International Space Station, and more are on the way.

  • SuitSat

    2006April 6, 2011

    Using a simple police scanner or ham radio, you can listen to a disembodied spacesuit circling Earth.

  • Sci-fi Life Support

    2006Sept. 20, 2011

    Researchers are putting the finishing touches on a new life support system for the ISS that seems to come right out of the pages of science fiction.

  • Students make First Contact with the ISS

    2001April 6, 2011

    Last month a group of Chicago students talked to Astronautson the International Space Stationvia amateur radio.

  • Building a 'Droid for the International Space Station

    2001Sept. 20, 2011

    Inspired by science fiction classics, NASA scientists are building a talking, thinking and flying robot to help Astronautswith their chores in space.

  • Home, Space Home

    2001April 6, 2011

    On the ground, the International Space Stationwould be an odd looking building -- but space is an odd place to live! Find out how space weather, orbital free fall, and the Space Shuttle's payload bay shapes the architecture of the ISS.

  • The Phantom Torso

    2001Sept. 20, 2011

    An unusual space traveler named Fred is orbiting Earth on board the International Space Station. His job? To keep Astronautssafe from space radiation.

  • Space Seeds Return to Earth

    2001Sept. 20, 2011

    Seed pods from a commercial gardening experiment aboard the International Space Stationare back on Earth. The far-out pods could hold the key to long-term habitation of space.