Updated 02/26/2013 03:36 PM   |   ID# 510

Receiving a Social Security tax refund

Can I receive a refund of the taxes I paid into Social Security while work in the United States if I live in another country and am not eligible to receive Social Security benefits?

The law does not permit a refund of Social Security taxes paid correctly by your employer.  If Social Security taxes were incorrectly paid, you or your employer should contact the U. S. Internal Revenue Service since they are responsible for collecting taxes (including Social Security and Medicare).

Although you cannot receive a refund for these taxes, you may be eligible to receive U.S. Social Security benefits as a result of international agreements between the United States and other countries.  These agreements help people who would not be eligible for monthly retirement, disability or survivors benefits under the Social Security systems of one or both countries.  These agreements also help people who would otherwise have to pay taxes to both countries on the same earnings.

For information about international agreement and other tax related issues, read the following publications:

Social Security:

Internal Revenue Service:

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