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Publications Highlights:

Sample of the data available for download in ArcGIS format from the U.S. Geological Survey Sea Floor Stress and Sediment Mobility Database.
Sea Floor Stress and Sediment Mobility Database

Screenshot from recently released USGS video
New Video Shows Virtual Fly-Through Along Lower Elwha River

R/V Parke Snavely mapping in Alviso Slough, October 27, 2011.
Views of South San Francisco Bay Before Salt-Pond Restoration

Cover of the new report.
Arctic Study Evaluates Outer Continental Shelf Energy Development

cover of book
New Book Offers Comprehensive Description of Gulf of Mexico Geology

Impacts of Armoring Sheltered Shorelines

living cell of the diatom Pleurosira laevis
Online Guide for Diatoms

Map from the new Web site
New Web Site Provides Map-Based Links to USGS Map Publications with Digital Data

Hawaiian coral reef
New Fact Sheets Highlight Coastal and Ocean Science

Longitudinal section of a killer whale tooth.
Shifts in Killer Whale Diets

Aerial photograph of northern Assateague Island and Ocean City, Maryland
New Report on Sea-Level Rise

cover of book
Coral Reefs of the USA

New Poster Depicts Complex Bathymetry in Northern Monterey Bay
New Poster Depicts Complex Bathymetry in Northern Monterey Bay

Google Earth display
Coastal-Sediment-Transport Data in Google Earth

Everglades Depth Estimation Network logo
New Tool for Water Managers

cover of Ecology of Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands of the Southeastern United States
New Book on Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands

cover of book
New Book Includes USGS Sea-Floor Data

cover of book
New Book on Contintental-Margin Sedimentation

topobathymetric map
High-Resolution Map Merges Tampa Bay Bathymetry and Topography

Northridge Bluff landslide
Timely Report Details Coastal Landslide

Cover of special issue of Estuaries and Coast
Estuaries and Coasts Shows Environment Resilient in Face of Hurricanes

skate captured in video footage of the sea floor at Juan de Fuca Ridge
Video Footage of Pacific Ocean Bottom Transferred to DVD

cover of pamphlet
Release of DVD "Bedforms and Cross-Bedding in Animation"

southern continental margin, showing sediment grain size from Louisiana to Florida, using the extracted and parsed data sets in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean data series
usSEABED: Sediment Data for the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean

Map showing data coverage for the Pacific offshore data release
usSEABED: Pacific Coast Offshore Surficial Sediment Data Release

Cover photograph from
New Book About the Florida Manatee

New Book on Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting

Cover of new book edited by Peter Barnes and James Thomas.
New Book On Benthic Habitats and the Effects of Fishing

Landslide at Big Slide
New Fact Sheet About Landslides and Cliff Retreat

book cover
New Book on Coral Reefs of the Virgin Islands

Sea Otter video
Southern Sea Otter Video Online

River plumes
USGS Paper Chosen as AGU Journal Highlight

Florida Keys map
Comprehensive Study of Florida Keys Coral Reefs

Paleogeographic reconstruction of the Permian Earth and location of the Phosphoria sea (from chapter 1).
New Book on the Phosphoria Formation

This image of Kailua Bay appears on the cover of the journal.
Two Articles in JSR

scarred manatee
Manatee Hurricane Survival Paper

cover of Professional Paper 1658
San Francisco Bay Earthquake Hazards

cover of special issue of Marine Geology
Special Issue of Marine Geology on Monterey Bay

map of southeastern Louisiana
New Gulf of Mexico Environmental-Research Publication U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter

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This page is
Updated January 18, 2013 10:12 AM (JSG)