Inquiring Minds: Scholar Manuel Castells on Social Movements

The following is a guest post by Jason Steinhauer, program specialist in the Library’s John W. Kluge Center, as part of the Inquiring Minds series. The revolutionary wave of demonstrations, protests and wars known collectively as the Arab Spring has spanned Algeria to Oman, covering a distance of 3,400 miles and toppling regimes that governed …

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InRetrospect: November Blogging Edition

In November, Library bloggers presented a feast of posts, sure to whet a variety of appetites. Here are a few selections. In the Muse: Performing Arts Blog 1707: A Year That Will Resonate with Handel Lovers 1707 was a good year for Handel. The Signal: Digital Preservation When Data Loss is Personal Leslie Johnston talks …

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Curator’s Picks: Exposing Cartoon Art

The collections of the Library of Congress are vast and varied. And, what better way to get to know them but through our many wonderful curators. In this edition of “Curator’s Picks,” Sara Duke, curator of popular and applied graphic art in the Library’s Prints and Photographs Division, and reference librarian Megan Halsband of the …

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Inquiring Minds: An Interview With Author William Martin

What if Abraham Lincoln recorded his innermost thoughts as he moved toward the realization that he must end slavery? What if he lost that diary, but a recently discovered letter suggests that the diary is still out there? Such is the premise of “The Lincoln Letter” (Tor/Forge, 2012) by William Martin, his latest mystery novel …

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Dave Brubeck: A Legend in Life, and After

  Pianist Dave Brubeck, one of America’s all-time greats in the field of jazz —  and a seminal force in making jazz popular in the U.S. and throughout the world — died today, just shy of his 92nd birthday. The Librarian of Congress bestowed the Library’s “Living Legend” award on Brubeck in 2003, and it …

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A Global Toast to the Book

(The following is an article written by David A. Taylor, external relations and program development officer in Library Services, for the November-December 2012 issue of the Library of Congress Magazine. The article takes a look at an event this Thursday and Friday that will celebrate one of the most powerful and crucial forms of information …

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Inquiring Minds: An Interview with Astrobiologist David H. Grinspoon

(The following is a guest post by Jason Steinhauer, a program specialist in the Library’s John W. Kluge Center, as part of the blog series, “Inquiring Minds.”) American astrobiologist David H. Grinspoon began on November 1 as the inaugural Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology at the Library’s John W. Kluge Center. …

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