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Oregon / Washington

NEPA Document Search

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Documents Currently Under Public Review

The following list contains NEPA documents that are currently available for public review, protest, or appeal.

Project Name Date Open Date Closed Doc Type Office
Harney Electric Jack Mountain Power Line ROW 9/28/2012  10/28/2012 Categorical Exclusion / Decision Record Burns
Northwest Pipeline Cathodic Protection System ROW and Amendment  10/15/2012  10/31/2012 Environmental Assessment Vale
Right-of-Way Grant WAOR 67292 10/05/2012  11/05/2012 Categorical Exclusion / Decision Record Spokane
Alsea Falls Recreation Area Management Plan 10/09/2012  11/07/2012 Environmental Assessment / FONSI Salem
Post-Fire Herbicide DOI-BLM-OR-P000-2012-0011-EA 10/12/2012  11/11/2012 Environmental Assessment / FONSI Prineville
Existing/Historic Documents (20 Most Recent)

The following list contains NEPA planning documents that have passed the public review period.

Project Name Date Doc Type Office
Hyatt Lake Safety of Dams10/24/12 Categorical Exclusion / Decision Record Medford
DNA - Siuslaw Aquatic Restoration Project10/18/12 Documentation of NEPA Adequacy Eugene
Miller Homestead Fire Stabilization and Rehabilitation Plan 10/15/12 Environmental Assessment Burns
Northwest Pipeline Cathodic Protection System ROW and Amendment 10/15/12 Finding of No Significant Impact Vale
Space Wrangler CT10/11/12 Decision Record Coos Bay
Vaughn’s Jct. DM Timber Sale10/10/12 Decision Rationale Coos Bay
Coleman Creek Bridge Installation10/09/12 Documentation of NEPA Adequacy Salem
Molalla LSR Habitat Enhancement9/26/12 Environmental Assessment Salem
DNA-Fairview Timber Sale9/25/12 Documentation of NEPA Adequacy Eugene
Indian Hill Road Construction and Right-of-Way Project9/25/12 Decision Record Medford
DNA-Farman Flats Timber Sale9/25/12 Documentation of NEPA Adequacy Eugene
Johnson Cleghorn Thinning9/25/12 FONSI/Decision Record Roseburg
Johnson Cleghorn Thinning9/25/12 Finding of No Significant Impact Roseburg
Signal Tree Beam Path9/25/12 Decision Record Coos Bay
Signal Tree Beam Path9/25/12 Documentation of NEPA Adequacy Coos Bay
Marys Peak Resource Area Road Maintenance9/24/12 Categorical Exclusion / Decision Record Salem
Tyrrell Hoop Building9/24/12 Environmental Assessment / FONSI Eugene
Split Rock Willow Thinning9/20/12 Decision Record Spokane
Split Rock Willow Thinning9/20/12 Categorical Exclusion Spokane
DOI-BLM-OR-P060-2012-0052-DNA Jaynes Well and Nershall Road Juniper Treatments9/20/12 Documentation of NEPA Adequacy Prineville