BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Previous Solicitations and Announcements: 2002

State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers: Program Application Guidelines: Fiscal Year 2002

  • NCJ 194664
    The announcement contains application information and guidelines for the State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs). Applicant agencies must be authorized by State legislation or by Executive Order. Under this program, SACs are eligible for funding to carry out data collection and analysis of criminal justice themes/topics of significant interest to criminal justice policy and decision makers. These themes are identified each year by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Justice Research and Statistics Association. For Fiscal Year 2002, in addition to the themes carried over from the previous application guidelines, three new themes have been added. They deal with deaths in police custody, anti-terrorism, and cyber-crime. For funding in FY 2002, applications should be received by BJS no later than June 15, 2002. Applications received after June 15th may be deferred until the next fiscal year, beginning October 1, 2002.

    Deadline: For funding in FY 2002, applications should be received by BJS no later than June 15, 2002.

    Eligibility: The applicant SAC must be authorized by State legislation or executive order.

    Contact Information: For further information, contact Paul White, SJS Program Coordinator, at (202) 307- 0771, by e-mail at or your State program manager.

    PDF (168K) | ASCII file (42K)

National Criminal History Improvement Program: Fiscal Year 2002 Program Announcement

  • NCJ 192811
    National Criminal History Improvement Program: Fiscal Year 2002 Program Announcement describes the procedures for applying for continuation funding under the BJS National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP). The appropriation for NCHIP-2002 was made pursuant to the Crime Identification Technology Act of 1998, and the procedures for applying for NCHIP-2002 grants reflect the provisions of that Act. In particular, State matching funds are required for NCHIP-2002 applications. The NCHIP program is an umbrella program that implements the grant provisions of the Crime Identification Technology Act of 1998, the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Brady Act), the National Child Protection Act of 1993 (NCPA), those provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (Omnibus Act), the Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (Violent Crime Control Act), and several others. The NCHIP-2002 appropriation under the Crime Identification Technology Act of 1998 is $35 million, with an additional $3 million appropriated for the purposes described in the Violence Against Women Act and the Violence Against Women Act of 2000.

    Deadline: Applications must be received by April 1, 2002, to be eligible for funding from the FY 2002 appropriation.

    Contact Information: The name and address of the State POC can be obtained at 1-800-421-6770 or at the OJP Executive Council webpage (

    PDF (302K) | ASCII file (67K)

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