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  • National Policy and Advocacy Council On Homelessness (NPACH)

    Publication Date: 2007

    The National Policy and Advocacy Council on Homelessness (NPACH) is a national grassroots organization whose primary concern is to ensure that national homelessness policy accurately reflects the needs of local communities. NPACH works to accomplish its mission through: * Education. By informing the public and policymakers on the causes and consequences of homelessness, we can create the will to bring about real change. * Grassroots organizing. By uniting a broad base of...

    Tags: organizations; advocacy and policy; sunday

  • Student Advocacy Handbook

    Authors: National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness (NSCAHH)

    Publication Date: 2004

    This handbook is designed to train students to advocate and build political power for anti-hunger and homelessness legislation, and serves as a how-to guide for organizing grassroots political campaigns on campus. The handbook contains information on the latest anti-hunger and homelessness legislation in Congress, a step-by-step plan for putting together a strategic campaign, a resource guide to state and national policy organizations, and an overview of the legislative process. (Authors)

    Tags: advocacy and policy; legislation

  • Representing the Poor and Homeless: Innovations in Advocacy

    Publication Date: 2001

    This book, written by various advocates and professors of law, provides insight into the evolution of advocacy in the field of homelessness.

    Tags: advocacy and policy; legal issues; poverty; background and context; housing; affordable housing; welfare reform

  • Policy Statements

    Organization: National Health Care for the Homeless Council

    Publication Date: 2006

    The most comprehensive count of the homeless in Los Angeles. Applied Survey Research (ASR)conducted the survey, which showed an estimated 1 out of 110 people in LA County is homeless on any night and 1 out of 40 will experience homelessness annually. California's homeless population (195,637 at the time of this report) is the highest in the nation, more than double Flordia (68,369). Fourty-six percent of California's total homeless population is located in LA county. (Authors)

    Tags: background and context; counts; advocacy and policy; local data/report

  • Policy Guide On Homelessness

    Source: Washington, DC: American Planning Association, 2003.

    Organization: American Planning Association

    Publication Date: 2003

    Before 1980, the United States did not experience widespread homelessness. Tonight, approximately 800,000 people will be homeless. This is despite a myriad of programs and organizations designed to address the problem, supported by nearly $2 billion per year in federal investment. Over the course of a year between 2.3 million and 3.5 million people will experience homelessness. This Policy Guide is another in a series of APA policy guides concerning housing related issues and builds...

    Tags: advocacy and policy

  • Claim-makers and actors: Advocacy for homeless people in Philadelphia, 1981--2003

    Authors: Landriscina, Mirella

    Organization: University of Pennsylvania

    Publication Date: 2005

    This study explores the historical dynamics of homeless advocacy in Philadelphia from 1981 to 2003. It is both a history of the politics of homelessness in Philadelphia and a comparative ethnography of two homeless service provider organizations in which fieldwork was conducted from May 2002 to September 2003. One central theoretical issue addressed in this study is the effect of contracting on third sector organizations. I employ a comparative approach, examining the work of a publicly funde...

    Tags: advocacy and policy; history of homelessness; background and context; financing and sustainability

  • Policy Matters 2006

    Publication Date: 2006

    This report contains policy recommendations in the areas of employment, income and asset growth, health, education and healthy family relationships. Providing state leaders with a central set of policy priorities, the report includes a 50-state policy overview.

    Tags: advocacy and policy; legislation; health

  • Effectiveness of Policies and Services for Homelessness

    Journal Name: The European Journal of Homelessness

    Publication Date: 2008

    In 2007, the Observatory published its first European Journal of Homelessness. The Journal provides a critical analysis of policy and practice on homelessness in Europe for policy makers, practitioners, researchers and academics. The aim is to stimulate debate on homelessness and housing exclusion at the European level and to facilitate the development of a stronger evidential base for policy development and innovation. The journal seeks to give international exposure to...

    Tags: homelessness; advocacy and policy


  • Policy Book 2006

    Organization: National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH)

    Publication Date: 2006

    This series of policy papers applies the principles set forth in the Ten-Year Plan to the current federal budget and legislation before Congress. Each year, Congress and the Administration work together to pass appropriations for federal programs, including many that help poor and homeless people. They also work to initiate or reform housing, health, income, and other programs and to shape the economic environment through tax policy and other regulations. These policy papers...

    Tags: plans to end homelessness; advocacy and policy

  • Center for Housing Policy

    Publication Date: 2006

    The Center for Housing Policy is the nonprofit research affiliate of the National Housing Conference (NHC). NHC is the nation's oldest nonprofit, bipartisan organization working toward the provision of decent affordable housing and a suitable living environment for every American. The Center was established to support the work of NHC by conducting objective research and carrying out educational activities on a wide range of housing issues. Bringing together practitioners, policy anal...

    Tags: housing; organizations; advocacy and policy; research and evaluation; education


  • National Health Policy Forum

    Publication Date: 2008

    This is the home page for the National Health Policy Forum, which provides non-partisan policy briefs on health issues before Congress. (HRC)

    Tags: health; advocacy and policy; 2 dirt club; dirt; 2dirt;;

  • Policy Book 2006

    Publication Date: 2006

    This policy guide provides information about the most important federal programs, policies, and legislation affecting homelessness. Key housing and homelessness topics are covered including HUD's McKinney-Vento homeless assistance programs, Section 8 housing choice vouchers, and housing programs dedicated to people with HIV/AIDS, the elderly, and people with disabilities. (Authors)

    Tags: McKinney Title 1; Housing Choice/Section 8/Subsidies; housing; prevention; HIV/AIDS; advocacy and policy

  • Responding to the Homeless: Policy and Practice

    Authors: Schutt, Russell; Garrett, Gerald

    Publication Date: 1992

    Table of contents: The Problem of Homelessness. Shelters and Services. Counseling and Case Managing. Mental Illness Among the Homeless. Alcoholism Abuse Among Homeless Persons. Homeless People with Drug Problems. Health Care and Homeless People. Housing. Responding to Homelessness. Index. (Authors)

    Tags: background and context; advocacy and policy; housing; substance use; mental health; health; health care systems

  • Advancing Disability Policy: Opportunities and Obstacles

    Journal Name: Rehabilitation Psychology

    Publication Date: 2001

    This article highlights opportunities for psychologists to advance disability policy. Obstacles discussed include disabling attitudes, lack of knowledge, and financial interests. The article calls for increased involvement of consumers in research design and greater emphasis on research related to social participation and environmental accommodation for persons with a disability. The need for advocacy in promoting adequate research funding and informing policymakers regarding researc...

    Tags: advocacy and policy; health; disability

  • Homeless Youth: A Focus on Policy

    Authors: Kenney, Rachael

    Publication Date: 2007

    This resource highlights the National Network for Youth in regards to providing services to runaway youth.

    Tags: youth; advocacy and policy

  • Mental Health Policy and Practice Today

    Publication Date: 1997

    Mental Health Policy and Practice Today is the only textbook available in recent years that reflects the dynamic nature of mental health practice in today's rapidly changing society. This book begins with an overview of societal and cost issues related to mental health problems, including the formats now used for mental health delivery and the public planning and agencies involved. It then focuses on the expanding base of knowledge in mental health. Important areas of neuroscientific and soci...

    Tags: mental health; advocacy and policy; background and context

  • Practice, Policy and Parity: The Politics of Persistence

    Authors: Abrahamson, Daniel; Steele, Ann; Abrahamson, Lynn

    Journal Name: Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

    Publication Date: 2003

    ...subtleties of legislative advocacy. This information should prove useful to psychologists who are pursuing parity in other states. (Authors)

    Tags: mental health; advocacy and policy; substance use

  • Homelessness in the United States: Policy Considerations

    Authors: Toro, Paul; Warren, Melissa

    Journal Name: Journal of Community Psychology

    Publication Date: 1999

    Over the past 15 years, the general public, media, scholars, and policy makers have all become concerned about homelessness as a widespread social problem. The amount of money the federal government spends on housing and the number of scholarly publications on homelessness have grown dramatically during this period. The general public is not only well informed about homelessness but has indicated a willingness to pay higher taxes to help homeless people obtain housing. Three discernible group...

    Tags: advocacy and policy; plans to end homelessness

  • Child Trauma: The Role of Public Policy

    Authors: Gerrity, Ellen

    Publication Date: 2007

    Describes the effects federal, state, and local government policies have in promoting increased understanding of and effective response to child traumatic stress. Analysis of current policy issues and areas for improvement is included. (HRC)

    Tags: traumatic stress; children; advocacy and policy; legal issues

  • Medicaid Eligibility Policies for People with AIDS

    Authors: Buchanan, Robert J.

    Journal Name: Social Work in Health Care

    Publication Date: 1996

    Although Medicaid is the primary prayer for health services provided to people with AIDS, Medicaid eligibility policies can be restrictive. This study presents Medicaid eligibility policies in each state for people with AIDS or HIV infection, including the categorical and medically needy classifications. The study documents that medically needy coverage is an important route to Medicaid coverage for people with AIDS. Because of the importance of this medically needy coverage, extendi...

    Tags: health; HIV/AIDS; benefits and entitlements; Medicaid/Medicare; advocacy and policy

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