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What Can Head Start Offer Your Family?

The right educational environment can benefit your child as well as your family. Parents may use this resource to answer their questions about services that are offered through Head Start.


The following is an excerpt from Give Your Child a Head Start.

Q. What can Head Start offer your family?

A. Head Start offers you a sense of belonging, other support services, and a chance to be involved in activities to help your whole family. You can take part in training classes on many subjects, such as child rearing, job training, learning about health and nutrition, and using free resources in your own community. Some parents learn the English language; others learn to read. Head Start also offers assistance to parents interested in obtaining a high school General Equivalency Diploma (GED) or other adult education opportunities.

If you have a family member with a special problem, such as drug or alcohol abuse, job loss, or other family crisis, your family can receive help through Head Start.

Head Start staff members refer families needing help to medical, social welfare, or employment specialists they know in the community, and will follow up to be sure you receive assistance.

You can become a Head Start volunteer and learn more about child development. This experience may later qualify you for training which can help you find employment in the child care field.

You can also have a voice in the Head Start program by serving on various committees. Parents' experiences in Head Start have raised their own self-confidence and improved their ablilty to make decisions.

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"What Can Head Start Offer Your Family?" Give Your Child a Head Start.  HHS/ACF/ACYF/HSB. 1987. English.

Last Reviewed: May 2010