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USAID | Afghanistan

From the American People

Hilmand Food Zone Project (HFZP)

Agriculture (Comprehensive Agriculture and Alternative Development)
September 2011 - December 2011

USAID is funding $7.4 million of the approximately $14.6 million Hilmand Food Zone Project (HFZP) in partnership with the British and Danish governments. The 2011 HFZP is an intricate part of the Hilmand Seed Distribution Program (HSDP), which will provide fertilizer, certified wheat-seed, and high value horticulture seeds to more than 42,000 targeted farmers in ten districts in Hilmand Province. The project distributed the seeds and inputs during a 45-day period beginning September 15, 2011, which competes directly with the poppy planting season. Hilmand farmers will also contribute a co-payment of 2,000 Afghanis per package for the inputs. The HSDP is designed to decrease poppy production in the province by providing wheat seed, high value vegetable seed and fertilizer input packages to Hilmand farmers as an alternative to growing poppy.