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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960
Volume VII, Part II, Western Europe, Document 257

257. Memorandum of ConversationSourceSource: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 560, CF 1490. Secret. Drafted by Maestrone. See also Documents 252–256 and 258.



  • Spain

[Here follows the same list of participants as Document 252.]

Foreign Minister Pella remarked that Italy had received inquiries from various friendly countries regarding the possible closer association of Spain with NATO and asked what the US views were in this regard, particularly in light of the Secretary’s talks with the Spanish Foreign Minister in London. Mr. Pella said that Italy encouraged Spanish participation in European economic cooperation. He realized that political cooperation with Spain would probably find objections among the Scandinavian members of NATO as well as among some elements of Italian public opinion. However, at times it was required to make a virtue out of necessity.

The Secretary stated that we have, for a considerable time, favored the inclusion of Spain in NATO. He noted that we had not concealed this support, but commented that we would possibly say more on this subject after the British elections. He recounted his experience during a recent luncheon meeting in London with top Labor Party leaders including Gaitskell, Healy and Bevan who reacted almost violently to the mere fact of his meeting with Foreign Minister Castiella in London.

* Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 560, CF 1490. Secret. Drafted by Maestrone. See also Documents 252256 and 258.