Division of Congressional and Legislative Affairs

Photo of the Capital building.
We are the bridge between the Fish and Wildlife Service and Congress. We work closely with our Service offices, the Department of the Interior, Congress, other Federal agencies, States, Tribes, and non-governmental organizations to ensure that everyone's priorities are clearly and accurately communicated.
Washington Office Issue Assignments for the 112th Congress:
    Matthew Huggler - (703) 358-2243
  • Coordination and Strategy
  • Work Plan
  • Personnel
    Martin Kodis - (703) 358-2241
    Deputy Chief
  • National Wildlife Refuge System — Land Acquisition, Realty, Comprehensive Conservation Plans (CCP)s, Policy, Budget
  • Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program
  • National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
    Angela Gustavson - (703) 358-2253
  • Fisheries, Coastal and Marine issues — including Ocean Policy, Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA)
  • Law Enforcement — including 16 U.S.C. § 3371 et seq. of Lacey Act
  • International Import/Export, Permitting
  • Alaska-specific issues — Subsistence, Handicrafts
    Edith Thompson - (703) 358-2267
  • Appropriations/budget
  • Science — including wildlife disease, LCCs, Strategic Habitat Conservation, Climate Change
  • Environmental Contaminants/Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR)/RESTORE Act
  • Invasive Species — including 18 U.S.C. § 42 of Lacey Act
  • Native American
  • Farm Bill
    Megan Kelhart - (703) 358-2536
  • Endangered Species Act
  • MMPA
  • Water Issues — Klamath, Bureau of Reclamation, Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)
  • Defense/Sikes Act
    Kristen Peters - (703) 358-2275
  • Migratory Birds
  • Energy — Permitting, Right-of-Ways, Consultations, Migratory Bird Treaty Act Enforcement, etc.
  • Transportation
    Roya Mogadam - (703) 358-2128
  • National Wildlife Refuge System — Natural Resources, Visitor Services
  • International Conservation — Multinational Species
  • Partners Program
  • Youth Initiatives
  • General Congressional and Legislative Affairs Support
Congressional and Legislative Affairs staff across the Nation
Last updated: February 13, 2013