Biotic, Abiotic, and Management Controls on the Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange of European Mountain Grassland Ecosystems

TitleBiotic, Abiotic, and Management Controls on the Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange of European Mountain Grassland Ecosystems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsWohlfahrt, G., Anderson-Dunn M., Bahn M., Balzarolo M., Berninger F., Campbell C., Carrara A., Cescatti A., Christensen T., Dore S., Eugster W., Friborg T., FURGER M. A. R. K. U. S., Gianelle D., Gimeno C., Hargreaves K., Hari P., Haslwanter A., Johansson T., Marcolla B., Milford C., Nagy Z., Nemitz E., ROGIERS N. E. L. E., Sanz M. J., Siegwolf R. T. W., Susiluoto S., Sutton M., Tuba Z., Ugolini F., Valentini R., Zorer R., & Cernusca A.
Pagination1338 - 1351
Date Published12/2008
Short TitleEcosystems