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Posts tagged: Malheur National Forest

A Fungus Among Us—Author Names Oregon’s Humongous Fungus as one of the Grossest Places on Earth

Armillaria mycelial felts under the bark of a live-infected tree on Oct. 10, 2008. Note the resin exudate on the lower bole; another symptom of Armillaria infection. US Forest Service photo.

Armillaria mycelial felts under the bark of a live-infected tree on Oct. 10, 2008. Note the resin exudate on the lower bole; another symptom of Armillaria infection. US Forest Service photo.

According to Richard Faulk’s book “Gross America”, the Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon’s Blue Mountains is “… one of my favorite gross places in America.”

That’s because it is home to arguably the largest living single organism on earth. Read more »