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Geophysics Research Staff:


Robert Dziak: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Professor, Project Leader

Haru Matsumoto: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Assistant Professor, Ocean Engineer

Joe Haxel: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Senior Research Assistant, Data Analyst

Matt Fowler: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Research Assistant, Data Analyst/Sea Technician

Andy Lau: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Senior Research Assistant, Programmer

Acoustics Research Groups:



Ocean Ambient Sound


Earthquakes at Axial Volcano imageEarthquakes from 1998 Axial Volcano eruption detected acoustically.

View latest NE Pacific seismicity as detected using SOSUS here.


The Ocean Acoustic/Marine Geophysics Project of the VENTS Program began continuous monitoring of north Pacific Ocean seismicity in August 1991 using the U.S. Navy's SOund Surveillance System (SOSUS) In May, 1996, monitoring was extended to the eastern equatorial Pacific using moored autonomous hydrophones, then to the North Atlantic in 1999, Antarctic in 2005, Indian Ocean in 2006, and Lau Basin (west Pacific) in 2009. The hydroacoustic method allows detection of low-magnitude seismicity and volcanic activity and provides more accurate source locations than land seismic networks.

Blanco Swam-Southern Juan de Fuca, March 2010

Updated results for offshore Oregon Earthquakes, Juan de Fuca, October 2009
Gorda-Blanco-Southern Juan de Fuca, July 2007
Gorda Ridge, NE Pacific, March 2005
Endeavour Ridge, NE Pacific, February 2005

Popular Sites->
Endeavour Ridge , NE Pacific, October 2004
Hydrophone Data available (see lower left)

  General Seismicity- . Seismic/Volcanic Activity-  

Maps:NE Pacific map


Northeastern Pacific-
quarterly maps
most recent seismicity

Eastern equatorial Pacific-
regional maps

North Atlantic-
regional maps

  Northeastern Pacific (1993-present):
Eastern equatorial Pacific (1996-present):
North Atlantic (2001-present):

Get Data:

Lau Basin Hydrophone Data Request

Epicenter positions: Epicenter Retrieval page

Hydrophone data: 1-day files (ftp)


High interest events:

Middle Valley Activity

Lucky Strike Activity (3/2001) Seismic swarm with characteristics of magmatic dike injection.