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A worldwide system of deepwater reference stations providing: High resolution measurements; The full depth of the ocean; Multi-year time scales; Dozens of variables; Real-time data access

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Upcoming Meetings

OceanSITES 2013: Data Management and Steering Committee Meeting
27-30 May 2013 Seoul, Korea
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Previous Meetings

OceanSITES 2011: Data Management and Steering Committee Meeting
29 Nov - 02 Dec La Jolla, CA USA More information




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animation launch
In this animation, a seismometer at
an OceanSITES reference station
monitors an active fault zone.
View animation »


  Deep T/S Sensor Challenge


Deep Ocean observations (below 2000m) have been recognized as an important gap in the global ocean observing system (OceanObs09). An international framework is being developed for filling this gap, called the "deep ocean observing strategy". At the December, 2011 La Jolla OceanSITES meeting, it was decided to make use of the many existing OceanSITES platforms in deep water to make an "instant" contribution towards this need and goal. OceanSITES moorings at 20 regions around the world already carry deep temperature/salinity (T/S) sensors. We want to deploy another 50 within a year, which requires 50 sensors for the initial deployments and another 50 for swapping out and calibrations. OceanSITES PIs are pledging to add such sensors to their existing moorings, and the left bar shows how already pledged. We are also seeking to fill a pool of 50 matching sensor for the swap-outs via donations from institutions, agencies, companies - the right bar shows the status of that matching pool (click HERE to see details on donors and PIs).

Are you up to the challenge? Learn more and contribute!

About OceanSITES