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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Departmental Enforcement Center   >   Satellite Offices Jurisdictions By State
Satellite Office Jurisdictions By State

Enforcement referrals are directed to the DEC's five Satellite Offices nationwide. Such referrals are based on a violation, regarding, for example, a property's physical or financial condition. Owners who have not submitted financial statements, required annually by HUD, are also referred to a Satellite Office.

If you have an inquiry regarding an enforcement matter, click on the State where the property is physically located to identify the appropriate DEC Satellite Office.

(Please note that for workload distribution purposes, some properties may be handled by offices outside of their geographical areas. Most referrals for late filings of financial statements are handled in the Headquarters Operations Division and information regarding these referrals should be directed to the Operations Division Director, Rebecca H. Shank. DEC analysts involved in handling such cases will contact the owners at the earliest opportunity.)

Alabama Louisiana Oklahoma
Alaska Maine Oregon
Arizona Maryland Pacific Territories
Arkansas Massachusetts Pennsylvania
California Michigan Puerto Rico
Colorado Minnesota Rhode Island
Connecticut Mississippi South Carolina
Delaware Missouri South Dakota
District of Columbia Montana Tennessee
Florida Nebraska Texas
Georgia Nevada Utah
Hawaii New Hampshire Vermont
Idaho New Jersey Virgin Islands
Illinois New Mexico Virginia
Indiana New York Washington
Iowa North Carolina West Virginia
Kansas North Dakota Wisconsin
Kentucky Ohio Wyoming