Senate Democrats

May 2011
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Day May 12, 2011

Senate Floor Wrap Up For Thursday, May 12, 2011

Passed S.498, the Independent Task and Delivery Order Review Extension Act of 2011 Discharged Intelligence and adopted S.Res.86, recognizing the Defense Intelligence Agency on its 50th Anniversary Adopted S.Res.181, designating May 15, 2011, as “National MPS Awareness Day”; Adopted S.Res.182, expressing the condolences of the U.S. to the victims of the devastating tornadoes that touched…


Senate Roll Call Vote #00070

On the Nomination: Confirmation Michael Francis Urbanski, of Virginia, to be U.S. District Judge for the Western District of VirginiaResult: Confirmed (94-0, 6 members not voting, 1/2 threshold)Details: [click here]


Senate Roll Call Vote #00070

On the Nomination: Confirmation Michael Francis Urbanski, of Virginia, to be U.S. District Judge for the Western District of VirginiaResult: Confirmed (94-0, 6 members not voting, 1/2 threshold)Details: [click here]


Reid Statement On Comprehensive Cyber Security Legislation

Washington, D.C.—Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement on the White House cyber security proposal: “The Senate has been working to develop comprehensive, bipartisan legislation to improve our nation’s cyber security and we hope to pass a bill this summer. The security of our computer networks is woefully inadequate, and the threats against them…


Reid: Big Oil Executives Fail To Justify Why They Deserve Taxpayer-Funded Handouts When We Could Be Using The Money To Pay Down The Deficit

“The CEOs of the five biggest oil companies proved our point.  They failed to explain why American taxpayers should continue throwing their hard-earned money at oil companies that are raking in record profits. We should be using that money to pay down the deficit, instead of cutting vital programs like cancer research and student loans. The only…


Reid: If GOP Is Serious About Reducing Deficit, Taxpayer-Funded Bonuses For Oil Companies Are An Easy Place To Start

‘Taxpayer giveaways to companies pulling in record profits are the epitome of wasteful spending.’ Washington, D.C.–Nevada Senator Harry Reid made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding tax giveaways for oil companies: “As I speak, the heads of the five largest oil and gas companies in the world are testifying across the street. …


Outside The Beltway: Local Media Continues To Highlight Senate Democratic Efforts To End Taxpayer Subsidies For Oil Companies, Use Money To Cut The Deficit

Baltimore Sun: Cardin Asks Oil Companies To Give Up Tax Breaks. “On the day before the heads of the country’s five largest oil companies are due for a Senate Finance Committee grilling on tax subsidies, Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin is asking them to admit that they no longer need the breaks. The Maryland Democrat is…


Senate Floor Schedule For Thursday, May 12, 2011

Following any leader remarks, the Senate will be in morning business for debate only until 1pm with Senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each, with the first hour equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees, with the Republicans controlling the first 30 minutes and the Majority controlling…


Senate Floor Schedule For Thursday, May 12, 2011

Following any leader remarks, the Senate will be in morning business for debate only until 1pm with Senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each, with the first hour equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees, with the Republicans controlling the first 30 minutes and the Majority controlling…
