Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Finance Companies (G.20)


This feed provides information about finance companies data from the Federal Reserve Board's G.20 release available through the Data Download Program (DDP).

  • September 21, 2012
    G20 Announcement to be released on Friday, September 21st
    Finance companies data were revised back to December 2010 to incorporate the statistical results from the 2010 finance companies survey. For more details on the survey and the revisions, see the documentation posted on September 10, 2012 at

  • June 28, 2012
    Upcoming changes to the Finance Companies (G.20) release
    Finance Companies (G.20) release, in addition to the data currently reported on level of receivables outstanding, will now report data on the flow of receivables. The revised data will be made available in the April report, which will be released in the next several days.

    The new flow data represent changes in the level of receivables due to economic and financial activity, rather than breaks in the data series due to changes in methodology, source data, and other technical aspects of the estimation that affect the level of receivables. Access to flow data allows users to calculate a growth rate for finance company receivables that excludes such breaks.

    These changes will be accompanied by revisions to the estimates of receivables outstanding back to January 2006 and reflect improvements in methodology and a comprehensive review of the source data. New data will be available at:

  • November 08, 2011
    New graphics options are now available from the Data Download Program (DDP)
    Users can now view plotted data as column charts, and add U.S. recession shading, while using the "View chart" function of the Data Download Program (DDP).

  • December 22, 2010
    DDP data for Finance Companies are incomplete
    Data in the Data Download Program (DDP) for the December 21, 2010 release of Finance Companies (G.20) are currently incomplete. The PDF and HTML versions of the release are not affected and all data published are correct. We are working to update the DDP to include the missing variables as soon as possible.

  • December 02, 2010
    New interactive graphics feature of Data Download Program (DDP)
    Users will now be able to create and view interactive graphics of data packages from the program before downloading the underlying data and charts. The charting feature allows users to view multiple data series on a single chart as well as to display individual data points. The charts can be saved as PDFs or in a standard image file format (PNG) for publication and redistribution.

    "Graphics play an important role in identifying data trends and relationships," said Federal Reserve Vice Chair Janet L. Yellen. "With the help of this intuitive new user interface, it's now possible to create customized charts directly from Federal Reserve statistical data."

  • September 15, 2010
    Publication of Finance Company data in the Data Download Program delayed
    Data from the July 20 G.20 Finance Company release, published on September 15, will be available in the Data Download Program (DDP) on September 16.

  • November 20, 2008
    G.20 data updated in the Data Download Program
    Data from the October 30 release of the G.20 Finance Companies release were added to the Data Download program on November 20, 2008.

  • December 10, 2007
    Finance company data are now available from the Data Download Program
    Data from the Finance Company release (G.20) are now available for customizable download through the Federal Reserve Board's Data Download Program (DDP). These data will updated monthly with the G.20.

Last update: September 21, 2012