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Title: Method for applying group selection in central Appalachian hardwoods

Author: Miller, Gary W.; Schuler, Thomas M.; Smith, H. Clay

Year: 1995

Publication: Res. Pap. NE-696. Radnor, PA: US. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 11 p.

Abstract: Public concern over the adverse visual impact of clearcutting has heightened interest in developing and testing alternative regeneration practices for central Appalachian hardwoods. Group selection can meet aesthetic goals while providing suitable light conditions to reproduce shade-intolerant species. Volume control and residual stand density are used to regulate periodic cuts. In central Appalachian hardwoods, openings must have a minimum size of 0.4 acre; all stems 1.0 inch d.b.h. and larger are cut to reproduce desirable shade-intolerant species. Openings should be located using the worst first approach to give the growing space occupied by mature trees or risky trees to faster growing, desirable regeneration.

Last Modified: 8/22/2006

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