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Title: Restoration of three forest herbs in the Liliaceae family by manipulating deer herbivory and overstorey and understorey vegetation

Author: Huebner, Cynthia D.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Miller, Gary W.; Brose, Patrick H.

Year: 2010

Publication: Plant Ecology & Diversity. 3(3): 259-272.

Abstract: Research on herbaceous vegetation restoration in forests characterised by overstorey tree harvests, excessive deer herbivory, and a dominant fern understorey is lacking. Most of the plant diversity found in Eastern hardwood forests in the United States is found in the herbaceous understorey layer. Loss of forest herbaceous species is an indicator of declining forest conditions. The combined effects of deer herbivory, competitive understorey vegetation removal, and overstorey tree removal on the abundance and reproductive capacity of three understorey herbs in the Liliaceae family were evaluated.

Last Modified: 3/4/2011

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