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Posted on Fri, March 01, 2013 - 10:40:16

Mari in the U.S.A. writes:

@ Lynn, by pursuing a policy of insisting upon yet another "regime change" in defiance of the UN Charter, the Obama administration is "enabling Al Qaeda,"…

From the entry 'In Rome, Secretary Kerry Announces Nonlethal Assistance to Syria'.

Posted on Fri, March 01, 2013 - 10:17:14

Mirabella L. in Ohio writes:

Continuous, open and honest communication is the most productive way to allow youth a better opportunity to achieve independence. It's encouraging to see…

From the entry 'Empowering Future Leaders in the Pacific'.

Posted on Fri, March 01, 2013 - 6:53:05

Lynn C. in Maryland writes:

Thank you for the attention to Syria. Perhaps we can go farther and give ammunition to the best people we can find in the opposition. It is crazy to enable…

From the entry 'In Rome, Secretary Kerry Announces Nonlethal Assistance to Syria'.

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A New Dawn in Ghana
Finding a Lasting Solution to Instability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ghanaians Observe President Obama's Inaugural Address
How To Build a 'Happy Memory' -- Volunteerism at Work in Zimbabwe
In Malawi, the Future Belongs to the Organized
Reporting on the U.S. Fight Against World Hunger
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Swazi Artists Bring Dr. King’s Values Alive Through Music, Poetry, and Art
Two Women, Two Countries, Two People: A Growing Partnership
U.S.-Africa Partnership: The Last Four Years and Beyond
Youth Soccer Promotes Peace and Reconciliation in Kenya

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Food Security and Minimizing Postharvest Loss
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Meeting the President's Challenge To End Extreme Poverty
On the Road to an AIDS-Free Generation
President Obama Delivers the 2013 State of the Union Address
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Ten Ways You Can Help Fight Modern Slavery
The Fight Against Modern Slavery: Fulfilling the Promise of the Emancipation Proclamation

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Burma: Hoops for Change
Demonstrating U.S. Commitment to the Asia-Pacific Region
Empowering Future Leaders in the Pacific
In Southeast Asia, Equipping Girls To Pursue Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
International Writing Program Sends Former U.S. Poet Laureate to Burma
Multilateral Organizations Play Important Role in the Asia-Pacific
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Europe & Eurasia
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A Press Avail in Paris
Berlin: Secretary Kerry Hits the Summit From Basecamp
First Stop: London
In Germany, Celebrating the U.S. Presidential Inauguration
In Rome, Secretary Kerry Announces Nonlethal Assistance to Syria
The U.S.-Europe Relationship

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Secretary Kerry's First Week

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Near East and Asia
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Improving Hygiene for Displaced Syrians
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A New Generation of FLEX Arrives in the United States
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The Power of Partnerships
The Year in Global Partnerships
United States Celebrates 57th Presidential Inauguration
With Gratitude and Best Wishes
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The Americas Chart a Path for Success in the 21st Century

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