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Title: Production rates and costs of group-selection harvests with ground-based logging system

Author: LeDoux, Chris B.; Erickson, Michael D.; Hassler, Curt C.

Year: 1993

Publication: In: Gillespie, Andrew R.; Parker, George R.; Pope, Phillip E.; Rink, George: eds. Proceedings of the 9th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-161. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station: 363-372

Abstract: As increased demands are placed on forest land for timber production, wildlife, esthetics, recreation, hunting, fishing, and other uses, owners of woodlots and forest land are looking for different ways to harvest or treat the stands to accomplish their objectives. The large clearcut harvest blocks that had been the standard for years with the forest industry are not always acceptable. The contemporary emphasis is on harvesting trees using partial and tree-selection cuts, thinnings, and group-selection methods. Group-selection involves taking small groups or clumps of trees in a somewhat random pattern to capture mortality, wood or weather damage, insect or disease infestations; to regenerate stands; and to harvest financially mature trees. As the size of group/clump (size of opening) decreases, so does the volume and value to be removed. How much the logging costs increase by decreasing the size of opening was the focus of this study. Cost and production information was developed to make decisions about harvesting units of different sizes with ground-based logging systems. The harvest units ranged from one-half to two acres in size.

Last Modified: 2/1/2007

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