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The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence
Antarctica :: Heard Island and McDonald Islands
(territory of Australia)
page last updated on November 15, 2012
Flag of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Location of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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Map of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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Introduction ::Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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The United Kingdom transferred these uninhabited, barren, sub-Antarctic islands to Australia in 1947. Populated by large numbers of seal and bird species, the islands have been designated a nature preserve.
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Geography ::Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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islands in the Indian Ocean, about two-thirds of the way from Madagascar to Antarctica
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53 06 S, 72 31 E
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total: 412 sq km
country comparison to the world: 203
land: 412 sq km
water: 0 sq km
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slightly more than two times the size of Washington, DC
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0 km
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101.9 km
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territorial sea: 12 nm
exclusive fishing zone: 200 nm
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Heard Island - 80% ice-covered, bleak and mountainous, dominated by a large massif (Big Ben) and an active volcano (Mawson Peak); McDonald Islands - small and rocky
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lowest point: Indian Ocean 0 m
highest point: Mawson Peak on Big Ben volcano 2,745 m
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arable land: 0%
permanent crops: 0%
other: 100% (2005)
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0 sq km
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Mawson Peak, an active volcano, is on Heard Island
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Mawson Peak on Heard Island is the highest Australian mountain (at 2,745 meters, it is taller than Mt. Kosciuszko in Australia proper), and one of only two active volcanoes located in Australian territory, the other being McDonald Island; in 1992, McDonald Island broke its dormancy and began erupting; it has erupted several times since, the most recent being in 2005
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People and Society ::Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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Government ::Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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conventional long form: Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
conventional short form: Heard Island and McDonald Islands
abbreviation: HIMI
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territory of Australia; administered from Canberra by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
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the laws of Australia, where applicable, apply
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none (territory of Australia)
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none (territory of Australia)
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the flag of Australia is used
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Economy ::Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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The islands have no indigenous economic activity, but the Australian Government allows limited fishing in the surrounding waters.
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Communications ::Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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102 (2012)
country comparison to the world: 209
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Transportation ::Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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none; offshore anchorage only
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Military ::Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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defense is the responsibility of Australia; Australia conducts fisheries patrols
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Transnational Issues ::Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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