NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Math & Computer Science

Many NERSC users - including NERSC Director Kathy Yelick - are directly involved in research into new languages, programming models, algorithms, systems software and cyberinfrastructure for leading-edge science applications.  This pioneering work is especially important given the multicore/manycore revolution that is taking place within the computing industry. Efforts are designed to simultaneously address usability for mainstream NERSC users and state-of-the-art exascale computing technologies.  Representative examples of such investigations include:


The Manycore Revolution and Parallel Software

The primary objective here is to make high end machines easier to use and to enable the most efficient mechanism for communication and sharing. Read More »


Parallel I/O Software Infrastructure for Large-Scale Systems

Modern parallel computers solving increasingly large, data-intensive problems require scalable end-to-end high-performance I/O software. Read More »


NERSC / Cray Center of Excellence

The NERSC/Cray “Programming Models Center of Excellence” combines Berkeley Lab strength in advanced programming models, multicore tuning, and application benchmarking with Cray strength in advanced programming models, optimizing compilers, and benchmarking. Read More »