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Title: Analysis of forest health monitoring surveys on the Allegheny National Forest (1998-2001)

Author: Morin, Randall S.; Liebhold, Andrew M; Gottschalk, K.W.; Woodall, Chris W.; Twardus, Daniel B.; White, Robert L.; Horsley, Stephen B.; Ristau, Todd E.

Year: 2006

Publication: Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-339. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station. 102 p.

Abstract: Describes forest vegetation and health conditions on the Allegheny National Forest (ANF). During the past 20 years, the ANF has experienced four severe droughts, several outbreaks of exotic and native insect defoliators, and the effects of other disturbance agents. An increase in tree mortality has raised concerns about forest health. Historical aerial surveys (1984-98), Forest Inventory and Analysis plot data collected in 1989, and FHM plot data collected 1998-2001 were analyzed to compare disturbed and undisturbed areas. Tree mortality and crown dieback levels were compared between undefoliated areas and areas defoliated by cherry scallopshell moth, elm spanworm, and gypsy moth. American beech mortality was compared inside and outside the beech bark disease killing front. This study illustrates the value of an intensified grid of P3 plots and demonstrates the integration of aerial survey and plot data.

Last Modified: 4/9/2007

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