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Title: Optimizing continuous cover forest management. Chapter 6.

Author: Hyytiainen, Kari; Haight, Robert G.

Year: 2012

Publication: In: von Gadow, K.; Pukkala, T., eds. Continuous Cover Forestry, 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Springer: 195-228.

Abstract: The practice of silviculture involves the art and science of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests and woodlands to meet the diverse needs and values of landowners and society on a sustainable basis. Silvicultural practices are often divided into two broadly defined management systems, which in North America are usually referred to as "even-aged" and "uneven-aged" management. In the context of this book, "uneven-aged" management is synonymous with continuous cover forestry (CCF). The choice of appropriate management system is guided by case-specific considerations, including ecological requirements of tree species currently present and desired; effects of timber harvest on forest flora and fauna; risk of damage from wildfire, insects, or pathogens; and financial and other landowner objectives for the managed forest. Skillful use of silvicultural practices can achieve the landowner's objectives with greater assurance of success than will reliance on natural processes alone.

Last Modified: 8/29/2012

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