USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Aquatic Invasive Species Control

Principal Investigators

Jon J. Amberg
Michael A. Boogaard
Tammy J. Clark
Mark P. Gaikowski
Terrance D. Hubert
James A. Luoma

Long Term Objectives

  • Conduct research to develop new methods for the control of aquatic invasive species or to mitigate the effects of aquatic invasive species through chemical, biological, or physical means.

  • Provide technical assistance to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Integrated Management of Sea Lamprey Control Program in the Great Lakes in the areas of regulatory affairs, lampricide treatment efficacy, and non-target species risk assessment.


Short Term Objectives

  • Develop targeted delivery technologies that deliver toxicants to a specific aquatic invasive species while minimizing impacts on non-target species. 

  • Understand the physiology of aquatic invasive species and identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited to enhance selective control. 

  • Understand dietary preferences of native and aquatic invasive species to identify differences that can be exploited to enhance selective control.

  • Identify and develop new fishery management chemicals that are selectively toxic to aquatic invasive species minimizing the impacts on non-target species and the environment.

  • Understand aquatic invasive species habitat requirements and identify vulnerabilities that can be used to develop selective control methods.

  • Provide technical assistance to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission in the area of regulatory affairs.

  • Develop methods to increase the efficacy of the lampricides TFM and niclosamide in controlling sea lamprey populations in the Great Lakes.

  • Evaluate the risk of lampricide exposure to non-target species of concern.

Current Projects

Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Pseudomonas fluorescens Strain CL145A to Control Dreissenid Mussels
Principal Investigator: Jim Luoma

Retention of Potential Piscicide Oral Delivery Formulations (ODF) by Asian carps: Effect of Particle Size
Principal Investigator: Jim Luoma

Develop targeted delivery technologies that deliver toxicants to a specific aquatic invasive species while minimizing impacts on non-target species. 

Increasing Efficiency and Throughput of eDNA
Principal Investigator: Jon Amberg

Oral Toxicity of Rotenone and Antimycin-A in Asian Carps
Principal Investigator: Jon Amberg

Understand the physiology of aquatic invasive species and identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited to enhance selective control. 

Digestive Physiology of Aquatic Invertebrates
Principal Investigator: Jon Amberg

Intestinal Physiology of Planktivorous Fishes
Principal Investigator: Jon Amberg

Understand dietary preferences of native and aquatic invasive species to identify differences that can be exploited to enhance selective control.

Determination of Filtering Characteristics and Particulate Size Selection Between Two Species of Unionid and Zebra Mussels
Principal Investigator: Jim Luoma

Identify and develop new fishery management chemicals that are selectively toxic to aquatic invasive species minimizing the impacts on non-target species and the environment.

Identify Potential Compounds for Inclusion in a Toxicant Screening Program to Identify Potential Selective Toxicants for Control of Asian carp
Principal Investigator: Terry Hubert

Synthesis of GD-174 (2-[digeranylamino]-ethanol) and its Derivatives
Principal Investigator: Tammy Clark

Understand aquatic invasive species habitat requirements and identify vulnerabilities that can be used to develop selective control methods.

No current activity.

Provide technical assistance to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission in the area of regulatory affairs.

Register New Lampricide Active Ingredients and End-use Formulations and Maintain Registered Products in Compliance with United States and Canadian Pesticide Regulations
Principal Investigator: Terry Hubert

Develop Experimental Use Permits, Datasets and Develop Registration Plans for Sea Lamprey Pheromones in Compliance with United States and Canadian Biopesticide Regulations
Principal Investigator: Terry Hubert

Develop methods to increase the efficacy of the lampricides TFM and niclosamide in controlling sea lamprey populations in the Great Lakes.

Improving the Accuracy and Precision of Predictions of TFM-niclosamide Concentrations for Treatment of Sea Lamprey Spawning Tributaries
Principal Investigator: Steve Gutreuter

Evaluate the risk of lampricide exposure to non-target species of concern.

Evaluation of the acute toxicity of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) and a TFM/1% niclosamide mixture to the black sandshell mussel (ligumia recta)
Principal Investigator: Mike Boogaard

Evaluation of the Acute Toxicity of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) to the Snuffbox Mussel (Epioblasma Triquetra)
Principal Investigator: Mike Boogaard

Evaluation of a Glucuronyl Transferase Assay for Predicting the Sensitivity of Species of Concern to the Lampricide TFM
Principal Investigator: Terry Hubert

Residue Levels of the Lampricides TFM and Niclosamide in Moribund Sea Lamprey Larvae Following Exposures to TFM and a TFM/1% Niclosamide Combination 
Principal Investigator: Terry Hubert

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Silver Carp Video | Quicktime video


Lake Trout with attached sea lamprey
Lake Trout with attached sea lamprey

Technical assistance in support of Sea Lamprey Control Program
Technical assistance in support of Sea Lamprey Control Program

Juvenile bighead carp
Juvenile bighead carp

Zebra mussels on native mussel
Zebra mussels on native mussel



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Page Last Modified: March 2, 2012