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Pathways to Success Tool

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Pathways to Success

Preparing for careers and competing in the 21st Century means individuals and industry must have a pathway for building a highly skilled workforce. Creating career pathways that lead to sustainable careers through combinations of apprenticeship preparation, participation in a Registered Apprenticeship program, and earning college credit or a degree is one of the best ways to prepare a worker for a successful long-term career and ensures industry as a highly skilled workforce.

With the Pathways to Success tool, you can search for apprenticeship opportunities in your town or region. Because there's no single path to a successful Registered Apprenticeship, Pathways to Success also shows nearby Pre-Apprenticeship programs that have registered with DOL's National Directory of Pre-Apprenticeship Program. And because today's fastest growing jobs increasingly require advanced education and training, you can also find community colleges that have articulation agreements with Registered Apprenticeship sponsors that can provide the opportunity to earn college credit or even complete a two or four-year degree.

ETA also hopes this tool will foster partnerships between providers of pre-apprenticeship programs, sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship programs and higher education institutions such as community colleges. For more information on pre-apprenticeship, Registered Apprenticeship, or partnerships with higher education institutions, please continue to navigate our Community of Practice or visit