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How ORISE is Making a Difference

How ORISE is Making a Difference

As an invaluable international resource in the medical management of radiation emergencies, the Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS) provides incident response and consultation, continuing medical education and simulation exercises to countries around the globe.

REAC/TS, a U.S. Department of Energy emergency response asset, also provides assistance and expertise to federal and state agencies in preparing their emergency management and first responder personnel for incidents involving human exposure to radiation.

Listed below are just a few examples of how REAC/TS' training and emergency response capabilities are making a difference in the medical management of radiation incidents:

REAC/TS drill

REAC/TS Trains Emergency Responders in Preparation for Pan American Games

In preparation for the 2011 Pan American Games, REAC/TS physicians and health physicists taught a four-day workshop on radiological contamination and accident casualties in Mexico City.

REAC/TS logo

REAC/TS Provides International Radiation Emergency Medical Response Training for Emergency Responders

REAC/TS recently traveled to Iraq, South Africa and Morocco to train physicians, nurses and first responders for emergencies involving radioactive materials.

REAC/TS Becomes the  Newest Addition to IAEA Response Asset Network

REAC/TS Becomes the Newest Addition to IAEA Response Asset Network

REAC/TS has become the primary United States medical contact for the IAEA’s Radiation Assistance Network (RANET) for the medical management of radiation accidents worldwide.

Cytogenetic  Biodosimetry Laboratory Helps Develop International Web-Based,  Chromosome-Scoring Network

Cytogenetic Biodosimetry Laboratory Helps Develop International Web-Based, Chromosome-Scoring Network

REAC/TS led an international scoring exercise intended to test the ability of cytogenetic biodosimetry laboratories to provide emergency triage and radiation dose assessment via the Web.

REAC/TS Provides  Emergency Medical Response Expertise to Empire 09

REAC/TS Provides Emergency Medical Response Expertise to Empire 09

REAC/TS personnel provided radiation emergency response expertise during Empire 09 by supporting the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC).

ORISE Provides Radiation Expertise to Support NASA Mars Science Laboratory Launch

REAC/TS Provides Radiation Expertise to Support NASA Mars Science Laboratory Launch

REAC/TS has played a key role in preparing the civilian and military emergency medicine communities in advance of the 2011 launch of the Mars Science Laboratory rover by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the California Institute of Technology.

REAC/TS Strengthens Preparedness for Radiation Emergencies Worldwide

REAC/TS Strengthens Preparedness for Radiation Emergencies Worldwide

REAC/TS continues to strengthen emergency preparedness by establishing international partnerships to improving medical response to radiation emergencies.

Hiroshima Fallout Expert Visits Cytogenetic Biodosimetry Laboratory

Hiroshima Fallout Expert Visits Cytogenetic Biodosimetry Laboratory

Dr. Akio Awa, considered to have performed the most extensive cytogenetic population studies in the world, spent time at the CBL analyzing blood cultures and plotting chromosomes.