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An official website of the United States Government.

Our People & Organization Senior Staff Bios

Kenneth Zawodny

Kenneth J. Zawodny, Jr. is the Associate Director of Retirement Services for the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). In this capacity, he directs the activities of multiple staff and line organizations in administering the Civil Service and Federal Employees Retirement Systems with annual disbursement of over $68 billion in benefits.

Previous to this role, Mr. Zawodny was the Deputy Associate Director of the Center for Operations for OPM's, Federal Investigative Services Division (FISD), the largest provider of background investigations for the Federal Government. In this capacity, Mr. Zawodny was responsible for the case management and field investigation programs, including the international and counterintelligence groups. Mr. Zawodny also served on a number of national panels and committees representing OPM in Federal Investigative processes, suitability determinations, and security eligibility determination matters.

Prior to joining OPM, Mr. Zawodny was in charge of the personnel security program at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), managing daily personnel security operations at DHS headquarters including applicant, employee, and contractor personnel suitability and clearance eligibility determinations. Mr. Zawodny managed compliance, oversight and policy for the personnel security programs within the major components across the department. While representing DHS, he also served on several national panels and committees.

Previously, Mr. Zawodny served as Branch Chief, Personnel Security Division for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), where he managed the background investigative process and served as liaison between the background investigative contractors and CBP. For 21 years, he served as a Senior Special Agent with the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command. In this role, Mr. Zawodny was vested with command and control of U.S. Army criminal investigation activities and resources worldwide.

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