House Republicans on the Anniversary of Democrats' So-Called "Recovery Summer" and GOP Plan for Job Creation

June 16, 2011

House Republican Press Conference on Job Creation and the Anniversary of the Democrats’ So-Called “Recovery Summer”

June 16, 2011


Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)

Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA)

Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)

Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)

Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam (R-IL)

Congressman Bill Flores (R-TX)

Congresswoman Nan Hayworth (R-NY)

Congressman Reid Ribble (R-WI)

Congressman Scott Rigell (R-VA)  

Chairman Hensarling

“This is the one-year anniversary of the president’s ‘summer of recovery.’ Another summer, no recovery. 

“9.1 percent unemployment, 28 months of unemployment above 8 percent, and Americans are asking, ‘Mr. President, where are the jobs?’ 

“The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently announced that it now takes, on average, ten months to find a job if you’re unemployed. This is the longest in recorded history that Americans are asking, ‘Mr. President, where are the jobs?’ 

“Business starts—entrepreneurship—at a 17-year low, and Americans are asking, ‘Mr. President, where are the jobs?’ 

“1 in 7 on food stamps, and Americans are asking, ‘Mr. President, where are the jobs?’

“And with all due respect to the president—a $1.1 trillion stimulus program—the latest studies showing that it either killed off or forestalled half a million jobs—Mr. President, that’s no laughing matter. It’s not a laughing matter to the people who remain unemployed in the 5th district of Texas that I represent. 

“And this is why Republicans have announced a Plan for America’s Job Creators that has everything to do with making our tax code fairer, flatter, simpler, and more competitive. It has everything to do with putting America on a fiscally sustainable trajectory to give confidence to our employers to create jobs. It has everything to do with eliminating or modifying regulations whose benefits do not exceed the cost of jobs in America. It has everything to do with making the cost of energy reasonable to our job creators and our families. If the Senate would take it up and the president would get out of the way, we would actually have a summer of recovery.”


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