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    Find both state and local Chambers of Commerce, Convention Centers, Visitor Bureaus and Tourist Boards in the United States providing U.S. business, relocation, visitor and tourist attraction information. On the the links above, under either chambers or visitor bureaus, choose the state you want to travel to.


    It’s January. It is ski season. With over 450 ski resorts in the United States, is it really possible to choose just one as being the best?

    What parameters should be used to make the decision? Is it all about the snow? The Trails? Affordability? Access to airports? My neighbor was researching ski resorts that offered the best entertainment and sitting services for their young children. I suppose that would come under “amenities”.

    We created the survey from the left and chose some of the most well known resorts to include,  but under “comments” please feel free to add your choice and tell us all why. My favorite ( I did not include in the survey list) is Schweitzer in Sandpoint Idaho. The prices are great, the trails are great, the lines are rarely long and the drive is only about an hour from the Spokane Washington airport.

    Local Visitor Bureaus and Local Chambers are still the best source for travel related research.