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Title: Eastern white pine secondary manufacturers: consumption, markets, and marketing

Author: Alderman, Delton; Smith, Robert; Bowe, Scott

Year: 2007

Publication: Forest Products Journal. 57(10): 28-35.

Abstract: In the United States, eastern white pine (EWP) is used in the manufacture of interior planks, clapboards, furniture, doors and windows, decorative veneers, and moulding/millwork. Additional value-added markets for EWP raw material include toys, woodenware, novelties, signs, caskets, and products used in building construction (EWP furring was formerly a leading construction wood), shade and map rollers, and Venetian blinds. Our research question focused on regional differences in EWP manufacture and consumption as well as EWP quality attributes, substitutes, markets and competition, and management. To assess EWP secondary manufacturing, a mail survey was conducted in the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Lake States regions of the United States. The majority of respondents reported annual sales of less than $1 million, employed fewer than 25 people, operated a single facility, and procured EWP primarily from within their region. The effect of imported species was surprisingly less than anticipated, with more than half of the respondents reporting that imports did not have an effect on their business. Superior lumber quality and region-of-origin were reported by secondary manufacturers as having the greatest influence on purchasing decisions. Having a good reputation, consistent pricing, and on-time delivery were the business services most highly valued by secondary EWP manufacturers.

Last Modified: 10/30/2007

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