Participating in Week of the Young Child  (WOYC) activities,  Regional Administrator George Northcroft and Southern Service Center Director Cameron Doss visited the Joyful Noise Child Care Center in the Robert Duncan Building in Portland, Oregon.  Northcroft and Doss toured the facility and met with children to discuss their recent study of buildings in downtown Portland. The 4 and 5 year old children had photographed their favorite Portland buildings, drew blue prints and constructed their own models of the buildings.   The children engaged Northcroft and Doss with questions like “what do you do? And does your building have a ping pong table in it like my dad’s building?” 

 During the week Northcroft and other GSA officials participated in a variety of events to recognize and thank the staffs for their hard work at all of our child care centers. 

Look for more stories and photos in our WOYC 2011 newsletter coming soon.   

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One comment

  1. Chris Bead

    June 2, 2011 at 2:46 am

    Amazing article, thanks George Northcroft and Cameron Doss..
    for Your Support to Joyful Noise Child Care Center For being a part of it.

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