Archive for October, 2011

Something to Celebrate

Something to Celebrate in Chicago (Besides Octoberfest on the Plaza !)

The child care center at 610 South Canal Street in Chicago, CCC Learning Center, celebrated its 20th anniversary as a GSA Child Care Center.   The original program operating in 1991 cared for children 15 months to prekindergarten.  Through the years the demand necessitated the addition of a kindergarten/5 year old program as well as infant care and the center now cares for 86 children on a daily basis.  The center also recently received its re-accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) for the sixth time.  This accreditation is one of the most prestigious available to child care centers across the nation and requires numerous hours of documentation and  preparation on facility and programmatic levels to obtain and keep.  

Elizabeth Themelis, Director of GSA’s Child Care Program, presented a plaque to the CCC Learning Center’s co-owners, Gloria Langston and Carla Fishel, in recognition of their NAEYC accreditation at a small ceremony on September 23rd. Child Care Owners, Gloria Langston, Carla Fishel, RCCC Brenda Roldan, Director Liz Themelis They are pictured  from right to left, with PBS Great Lakes Regional Child Care Coordinator Brenda Roldan.

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